We don't usually handle exterior signage for our clients, but we're always happy to help out when we can. When the Capelli Shop of Newtown, PA made the decision to open a new location in Pennington, NJ, they called on AnchorMark to update the existing in-place signage. We were happy to put together a brand [...]
Rob’s Collision Tri-Fold Direct Mail
admin2015-12-10T16:18:10+00:00As a premier collision and automotive repair shop in the Delaware Valley, Rob's Collision prides itself on maintaining the proper training, facilities, and certifications to repair even the most luxurious of vehicles. When the time came to begin promoting these services for their Porsche, Audi, and Ford product lines, Rob's Collision turned to AnchorMark. At [...]
Eden’s Corporation Stationery
admin2015-10-07T11:08:46+00:00As an industry leader in customer service management, the Eden's Corporation of Philadelphia, PA saw the need for an update to their current brand image and collateral material. AnchorMark was tasked with a new trademark, and supporting stationery that would tie into future collateral and online marketing items. The roots of the Eden's Corporation can be [...]

Cold Spring Beverages July 4th Direct Mail
admin2015-06-26T09:37:08+00:00Servicing a geographically targeted region, Cold Spring Beverages of Newtown, PA must find a way to promote in-store specials, as well as promote themselves to current and potential customers. Utilizing the US Postal Services Every Door Direct Mail services, we are able to target residential homes near Cold Spring's location, at a fraction of the cost [...]
WBCB 1490AM Promotional Posters
admin2015-05-27T16:01:11+00:00WBCB 1490AM is a vital part of the Lower Bucks Community, and has been since it went on the air December 8, 1957. Covering the local and national political climate, as well as regional sporting events from high school to professional sports, it is often that WBCB has the need for materials promoting individual shows [...]
FantaSea Resorts Direct Mail
admin2015-04-07T17:09:02+00:00As part of our LifeBoat services, the AnchorMark Branding Co. is pleased to work with vendors and reps, as well as our corporate clients. The 4" x 6" Direct Mail project for FantaSea Resorts was a quick turnaround project brought to us by one of our close print vendors, for a client of theirs. Our [...]

Philadelphia Children’s Alliance 2014 Annual Report
admin2015-04-07T16:25:37+00:00The Philadelphia Children's Alliance is no stranger to creative print executions in their marketing and service materials, and their 2014 Annual Report is no exception. Check out the Philadelphia Children's Alliance 2014 Annual Report. Featuring a "newspaper" layout, this concept was originally conceived and designed along side the staff at Gillespie Group Marketing & Advertising, and was completed for [...]

Kincheloe Comfort Solutions Launch Materials
admin2015-02-26T17:25:21+00:00As a start-up home heating and air-conditioning company, Kincheloe Comfort Solutions (KCS) saw the need to present their business in manner that was professional and refined. Servicing Northern Virginia in the Washington D.C. suburbs, it was important that KCS stood above the multitudes of small, and single person operations that flood the market. With a logo [...]
Automated Decision HVAC Technology
admin2015-01-20T16:55:43+00:00Automated Decision is the development company for DECOM and JobLink, mobile asset management software for HVAC and service professionals. Utilizing low energy bluetooth devices and mobile tools, Automated Decision provides clients with the peace of mind that service and repairs are performed properly throughout the life of their assets. For the Automated Decision website, it was important [...]

Philadelphia Children’s Alliance Corporate 20 Brochure
admin2014-12-05T17:34:38+00:00As a leading advocate for sexually abused children in Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Children's Alliance required a specialized marketing piece for potential corporate sponsors.