A promotional piece worth of being left behind for the Gillespie Group of Wallingford, PA.

MK Precision Tradeshow Materials
admin2013-05-13T13:07:20+00:00As a high end medical device and specialty equipment manufacturer, MK Precision travels around the country to industry specific conventions and shows promoting their brand and their services. Throughout these shows its imperative that the marketing team at MK Precision has the materials they need to provide to potential clients and industry professionals. Utilizing their white floors [...]
Freedom Credit Union Outdoor
admin2013-04-30T12:55:05+00:00Freedom Credit Union is a Montgomery County based credit union with a need to expand their market share in their geographic location. One of the services provided by Freedom Credit Union is a concierge service for mortgage and auto loans, in which they will help you not only secure a loan, but find your dream [...]
WeBuyAnyCar.com Outdoor
admin2012-09-01T11:56:03+00:00Webuyanycar.com is a multi-location operation in the NorthEast United States that purchases vehicles to be sold at wholesale. Compared to their british counterpart, webuyanycar.com was still a fledgling venture in the United States, and did not have the brand recognition needed to build comfort and security in their clients. With a need to both build brand identity, [...]

Police Athletic League 2009 Annual Report
admin2010-10-22T12:17:25+00:00For their 2009-2010 Annual Report, we chose the concept of "I'm a PAL" for the Police Athletic League of Philadelphia (PAL). This concept placed the focus of the organization on the children, officers, and volunteers that make the Police Athletic League the successful organization that it is. From the past to the present, PAL has helped [...]

Philadelphia Children’s Alliance Stationery Package
admin2010-10-06T11:27:07+00:00The Philadelphia Children's Alliance (PCA) coordinates a multi-agency, interdisciplinary response to promote healing and justice for victims of child sexual abuse in Philadelphia. On a day to day basis, the PCA works hand in hand with child victims and their parents/guardians, as well as government agencies and corporate donors. To this end, it was important [...]